
  • Moroalo o Monyane AS/RS | Mokhoa oa ho boloka le ho khutlisa o ikemetseng

    Moroalo o Monyane AS/RS | Mokhoa oa ho boloka le ho khutlisa o ikemetseng

    The Automated Storage & Retrieval system e laola ntlo ea hau ea polokelo hantle ka botlalo

    polokelo le thepa ea ka hare. Tlhahiso e phahameng ka ho fetisisa e nang le basebetsi ba tlase. Tšebeliso e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea sebaka se otlolohileng.

    Tšireletseho e kholo ea mokhanni 'me e lumellana le litloaelo tse thata tsa polokeho. Sistimi e ts'episa boleng bo ntlafetseng le botsitso.

  • Automatic ASRS miniload bakeng sa likarolo tse nyane tsa polokelo ea polokelo

    Automatic ASRS miniload bakeng sa likarolo tse nyane tsa polokelo ea polokelo

    Automatic ASRS miniload bakeng sa likarolo tse nyane tsa polokelo ea polokelo e etsa hore u boloke thepa ka har'a lijana le mabokose kapele, ka mokhoa o bonolo le ka ts'epo. Miniload ASRS e fana ka linako tse khutšoane tsa phihlello, tšebeliso e nepahetseng ea sebaka, ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso le phihlello e nepahetseng ea likarolo tse nyane. Automatic ASRS miniload e ka sebetsoa tlas'a mocheso o tloaelehileng, polokelo e batang le sebaka sa polokelo ea mocheso oa leqhoa. Ka nako e ts'oanang, miniload e ka sebelisoa ts'ebetsong ea likarolo tse ling le ho odara ho khetha le ho boloka buffer ka lebelo le phahameng le ntlo ea polokelo e kholo.

  • Tharollo ea polokelo ea thepa e nyane ea AS/RS

    Tharollo ea polokelo ea thepa e nyane ea AS/RS

    Miniload AS/RS ke mofuta o mong oa tharollo ea racking ea othomathike, e leng sistimi e laoloang ke komporo ea ho boloka le ho fumana lihlahisoa sebakeng sa polokelo kapa setsing sa phepelo. AS/RS Systems ha e hloke mosebetsi oa matsoho 'me e entsoe hore e be e ikemetseng ka botlalo. Litsamaiso tsa Mini-Load AS/RS ke litsamaiso tse nyane mme hangata li lumella khetho ea lintho tse ka har'a litothe, literei kapa mabokose.

  • Indasteri polokelo polokelo ea radio shuttle pallet racking

    Indasteri polokelo polokelo ea radio shuttle pallet racking

    Radio shuttle pallet racking system e boetse e bitsoa pallet shuttle racking shelving eo e leng mokhoa o ikemetseng oa polokelo ea polokelo ea polokelo bakeng sa polokelo. Ka tloaelo re sebelisa shuttle ea seea-le-moea le forklift hammoho ho laela le ho laolla thepa. FIFO le FILO ka bobeli ke likhetho bakeng sa ho qhekella ha radio shuttle.
    ● Bokhoni bo phahameng ba ho sebetsa sebakeng sa polokelo
    ● Boloka litšenyehelo tsa basebetsi le litšenyehelo tsa matsete a polokelong
    ● E sebelisoa ka mefuta e fapaneng ea polokelo le tharollo e loketseng polokelong e batang
    ● Ea pele ho oa ho qetela le oa Pele ho tsoa oa pele
    ● Tšenyo e fokolang e bakoang ke forklift

  • Automatic racking system e nang le radio shuttle system

    Automatic racking system e nang le radio shuttle system

    Asrs e nang le sistimi ea shuttle ea seea-le-moea ke mefuta e meng ea sistimi e otlolohileng ea racking. E ka boloka maemo a mangata a pallet bakeng sa ntlo ea polokelo. Sistimi ena e entsoe ka crane ea stacker, shuttle, sistimi e tsamaisang e otlolohileng, sistimi ea racking, sistimi ea taolo ea WMS / WCS.

  • Warehouse Khetha ho Litharollo tsa Phethahatso ea Order Leseli

    Warehouse Khetha ho Litharollo tsa Phethahatso ea Order Leseli

    Pick to light system e boetse e bitsoa PTL system, e leng tharollo ea ho khetha odara bakeng sa polokelo le litsi tsa phepelo ea thepa. Sistimi ea PTL e sebelisa mabone le li-LED holim'a liraka kapa lishelefong ho bonts'a libaka tseo ba khethang ho tsona le ho tataisa batho ba khethang mosebetsi oa bona.

  • Mokhoa oa ASRS Crane bakeng sa Pallets

    Mokhoa oa ASRS Crane bakeng sa Pallets

    Litsamaiso tse Ikemetseng tsa ho boloka le ho khutlisa li boetse li tsejoa e le AS / RS e fana ka phallo e phahameng ea density pallet, e eketsang sebaka se emeng tsamaisong e felletseng ea ts'ebetso moo sistimi e tsamaeang libakeng tse moqotetsane haholo le ka litaelo tsa boleng bo holimo. Sistimi e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea AS/RS Unit Load e etselitsoe pallet ea hau kapa sebopeho se seng se seholo sa moroalo, le boholo.

  • Automated warehouse storage satellite shuttle racking

    Automated warehouse storage satellite shuttle racking

    High Space Utilization Heavy Duty satellite Radio Shuttle Racks ke mokhoa o phahameng oa ho boloka o ikemetseng oa polokelo. Racking ea seea-le-moea-pono e na le karolo ea shuttle racking, shuttle cart, forklifts. Hape e ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea polokelo ea polokelo le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso, e fokotsang mesebetsi e mengata ea basebetsi.

  • ASRS e nang le crane ea stacker & conveyor system bakeng sa thepa e boima

    ASRS e nang le crane ea stacker & conveyor system bakeng sa thepa e boima

    ASRS pallet stacker cranes & conveyor system ke tharollo e phethahetseng bakeng sa qty e kholo ea thepa e holim'a liphalete. Sistimi ea ASRS e fana ka tlhaiso-leseling ea nako ea 'nete bakeng sa taolo ea polokelo le tlhahlobo ea thepa bakeng sa polokelo. Sebakeng sa polokelo, ts'ebeliso ea ASRS e eketsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso, e boloka sebaka sa polokelo mme e fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa matsete bakeng sa polokelo.

  • Setsi se phahameng sa polokelo ea polokelo ea pallet shuttle racking

    Setsi se phahameng sa polokelo ea polokelo ea pallet shuttle racking

    Radio shuttle racking ke sistimi e tsoetseng pele ea polokelo ea polokelo. Sebopeho se seholo ka ho fetisisa ke polokelo e phahameng ea polokelo, e loketseng ho kena le ho tsoa, ​​ho sebetsa hantle haholo. Mefuta ea FIFO&FILO e ntlafatsa tsamaiso ea polokelo. Sistimi eohle ea li-shuttle racking e na le li-shuttle tsa pallet, racking, forklifts joalo-joalo.

  • Automated four way radio shuttle bakeng sa rack e bohlale ea polokelo ea polokelo

    Automated four way radio shuttle bakeng sa rack e bohlale ea polokelo ea polokelo

    Tsela e 'nè ea shuttle ke mochine o bohlale oa seea-le-moea oa 3D o ikemetseng o khonang ho tsamaea ka bobeli le ka mokhoa o otlolohileng holim'a liporo tsa tataiso ea racking; e ka hlokomela ts'ebetso e kenang le e tsoang ka ntle ea menoana ea polasetiki kapa mabokose ka ho etsa mananeo (ho boloka thepa le ho tsoa le ho ts'oaroa).

  • 2.5ton Motlakase Automated Guide Vehicle

    2.5ton Motlakase Automated Guide Vehicle

    Automated Guide Vehicle e boetse e tsejoa e le AGV forklift le forklift ke ho itsamaisa ka komporo e laoloang. Ho boetse ho bolela hore ha ho hlokahale basebetsi ba forklift ho khanna forklift ho sebetsa forklift. ha mosebeletsi a fana ka litaelo k'homphieutheng hore a sebetse forklift ea agv. 'Me forklift ea AGV e latela taelo ea ho phetha mesebetsi ka bo eona.